03 August 2012

E.B. Itso at Komafest

Vardø, Norway
Initiator and project artist Pøbel, produced by Nordnorsk Kultursenter and the inhabitants of the town
Visiting artists: Pøbel (NO), Horfe (FR), Remed (FR), Ken Sortais (FR), Ethos (BR), Roa (BE), Vhils (PO), E.B Itso (DK), Tristan Manco (UK), Stephen Powers (USA), Atle Østrem (NO), Husk Mit Navn (DK), Conor Harrington (IE)
Relational art / street art

E.B. Itso's work fit well into their surroundings, all communicating with their buildings. It is like every building is taken seriously, almost like they have personality. And E.B. Itso has found their story, or his version of their story.

E.B.Itso at Komafest
Like a whale that have taken to land

This abandoned house is on the mainland, in the village Indre Kiberg. This is the first sign of Komafest you will see when you drive on the road towards Vadsø.

E.B.Itso at Komafest
The same building seen from the other side

E.B.Itso at Komafest
It's not down on any map, true places never are

A tribute not only to the building, but most of all to the town. This building is at the end of the street, and was used for drying stockfish.

E.B.Itso at Komafest
Sea Fever

This is the first artwork you see as you enter the harbour through the protecting piers

E.B.Itso at Komafest

A boat stranded for too long.

E.B.Itso at Komafest
Everything is a story

The storage building belong to Husegården courtyard complex. All the other buildings have been restored to their former glory, this building is next on the list. This is also where Norwegian writer Agnar Mykle supposedly got the inspiration to write the wonderful novel "Lasso rundt fru Luna", after a romantic meeting with one of the women in the house.

E.B.Itso at Komafest 
A tribute to the town and some of its wildlife