Køge, Denmark
the map of Walk This Way - design by Mormor
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After a visit inside the museum, it is time to have a look at the art outside. The museum handed out a beautiful map made by the artist Mormor, with description of the artists and the location of the pieces.
It was great to see work from artists I knew from before, like Brad Downey, Swoon and Sten&Lex, but also very interesting to see Swedish and Danish artists. I can imagine what an uninteresting place the harbour was before, and how wonderful it is now with all the artworks! The town itself is a typical Danish town, with a pedestrian street and nice, small Danish houses, and some ugly sculptures. But with the new art added the street turns into a treasure chest.
Public art in Køge before Walk This Way
Stickkontakt (S) - covering trees with knitted patches sewn together
Basco5 (DK)
Swoon (US)
Josefine Günschel (D)
Pink Army (DK)
- these pink soldiers are everywhere in town
The gate to the industrial harbour area, covered by Stickkontakt (S)
Tejn (DK)
Papfar (DK)
- flirting with the locals
A cabin showing photos and videos of performances by Brad Downey (US/D) and Akay (S)
Brad Downey (US/D)
- i can just imagine how fun it must have been to make this!
Akay (S)
Sten&Lex (IT)
Knowing how much work it takes to make their art, I was shocked to see this massive wall painted. Impressive.
The question is, will this exhibition change the town? Are the inhabitants appreciating the artwork, or is it mostly enjoyed by visitors?
After exiting the museum I came across this man and his son, tearing up the textile covered bench. They did not know that this was an artwork by Stickkontakt. They were stopped and explained that this was a piece of art, and handed a folder of the exhibition.
Locals interacting with the art.
More pictures from the exhibition here: