13 May 2012

Norges Kreative Fagskole: Photo Exhibition

19.04.12 Henges åtte fotografers tolkning av identitet opp til allmenn beskuelse
Students of Norges Kreative Fagskole, Stavanger
Rogaland Kunstsenter
Photos about identity

It has been some time, but I still wanted to remember this nice photo exhibition by students of NKF. The topic is their interpretation of identity. Their creativity has been flourishing, even on the promoting stickers and posters, and especially on the identification the artists and their works. 

Photo student exhibition
Promotion for the exhibition all around in town.

Photo student exhibition
Presentation of the artists - follow the coloured lines.

Photo student exhibition
Their identity is both presented through their portraits and text, through their work, but also connected with each other in a combined portrait of everyone in one.

Photo student exhibition
The model portrait and the photographer portrait - photos by Alexander Qabazard

Photo student exhibition
In front of the bathroom mirror - photos by Sondre Engelsen Ødegård

Photo student exhibition
At parties

Photo student exhibition
How many comments do you get depending on your picture and how dressed you are

Photo student exhibition