Less Colour
Torbjørn Kvasbø, Kjell Rylander, Kim Simonsson, Borghild Rudjord Unneland
Rogaland Kunstsenter, Stavanger
Installations and ceramic processes
A rare insight into the processes of ceramics and exhibitions. Ceramic sculptures without colour, sculptures presented in their shipping containers, a library of ceramic moulds, and 34 reasons to be distracted from the artistic work.
Kim Simonsson: Spitting Girl
Simonsson's girl figure has no colours, and thus may have no personality. But she has. She is spitting, an act that is naughty or unhygienical. So she is not the princess she could have been with a pink dress and blonde hair. Her personality is defined from one element, the spit. She is caught in the act, a frozen moment that may have existed for just a fraction of time, but now is eternal, this is how she is is presented.
Kjell Rylander: Återblick, omformulering, dokument
Instead of presenting ceramic sculptures, Rylander has a collection of moulds of rejected works. The moulds are sculptures themselves, but also showing what has been but is not anymore. The works are not here, but the moulds are their shadows.
Torbjørn Kvasbø: Stakk
An intricate sculpture of ceramic pipes stacked into a form. Two are fully presented, in different natural colours. One is presented in the box it was shipped in. Not only the sculpture is an important part of an artist's work, the box making and secure shipping is too.
Borghild Rudjord Unneland: 34 grunner til at Marta ikke kan sette seg
(34 reasons Marta cannot sit down)
By placing everyday objects around, Rudjord Unneland tempts us to go closer to draw with that chalk, push that pendulum stone, pick up that book. In one way this shows the value and beauty of almost any object. But it also shows how easy you may get distracted. Or maybe you should consider whether the distraction itself is the important choice?
Borghild Rudjord Unneland: 34 grunner til at Marta ikke kan sette seg
For intance these furry twigs, so tempting to touch. But if you do, you may risk it all falls down.