Galleri Gann, Sandnes
Three different photographs all have one thing in common: They photograph the nowhere-places, the spots we never notice, the areas where we never stay, only pass.

Exhibition view

Per Berntsen: Generator, Stuvane kraftverk
Per Berntsen shows us the generators of different hydropower stations in Norway. This is what we all depend on for getting our electricity, while few have ever seen one or been inside a power station. And even more interesting than the generators are exactly where they are set: in artificial mountain caves. These could be anywhere, not visible from the outside of the mountain.The generators are in a place nobody visit, except the workers.

Signe Marie Andersen: Izmir Airport 07:10
Signe Marie Andersen photographs spots we definitely visit, but spots that are never our destination: Airports, airport hotels, passageways, gas stations, bridges. They are all transit sites, places we pass but never dwell, unless we have to. They are nowhere-places. The time stamp in the title strenghten this. This is just a place you stay at one moment, at a defined time.

Signe Marie Andersen: The Gas Station 21:17
Nobody stays at these spots (unless the workers here as well), but we are still dependent on them.

Morten Andenæs: Moon
Morten Andenæs also have some photos of lost spaces, whether the sky, the moon or the back side of houses. On this moon picture a distinct feature like the moon is almost disappearing in the sky. Both the moon and the vast space between us is a space we never stay. Well, there have been some men on the moon, and we pass through the airspace on a flight (from airport to airport of Andersen's photos), but as men can not fly, we do not stay there. Andenæs even has a photo of the sky, a totally monocolor photo with no features. How can you photograph air? Andenæs does exactly that.
The exhibition have other themes as well, some photos even contain people, and some places you might even spend some time. For instance I also enjoyed a photo of just a residential multi-storey building. But that is another story. Go have a look yourself.