14 November 2011

Mona Nordaas: Generator

Mona Nordaas
Haugesund billedgalleri, Norway

A fantastic cascade of memories, leftovers and surprises. The colorful sculpture is made of all kinds of small and medium-sized things, all with their own stories. I recognise boys' books, beer bottle tops, lottery tickets, sunday school paper figures, old records, napkins, silverware. Many things bring back memories of childhood or forgotten times, or they are exotic items, or even mystical objects. You could stand for hours just identifying the different things, enjoying the sight of each one.

This is a generator of dreams and memories, powered through recycling of found materials.

Seeing all the things she decided to include in the sculpture, I wonder how many things she have left in her studio. I wonder which items she chose to not use this time.

The sculpture follow the same idea in the similar sculpture she made at Hå gamle prestegård in august 2010. About "Fra sans og samling" here

Haugesund Billedgalleri

Haugesund Billedgalleri