According to the tradition, the Estonian Artists' Union also present their annual exhibition this summer. This year's curator is Leonhard Lapin, professor at the Art Academy. As abstract art was forbidden or disfavoured during Soviet rule, abstract art has another value and history than in West-European countries. This exhibition gives an insight to the grand old men and women of Estonian abstract art, but also with some of the younger, ascending artists.

Exhibition overview
Kunstihoone offer large spaces for exhibition, and I get rather overwhelmed by the mass of abstract colourful paintings. The large number of works are somehow overflowing, and makes it difficult to inhale the energy from just one work. I understand that the motive of such an exhibition is to show off as much art and as many artists as possible, but for me it is just too much. But I was still able to point out some of my favourites, in many cases works that were a bit different than the majority. Here is my personal selection of the works:

Aili Vahtrapuu & Viivian Jõemets: Sound Installation
- talking about songs with meaningless words

Anne Parmasto: Red Ones

Ilmar Kruusamäe: Estonian Radishes

Tiiu Kirsipuu: Factura Natura

Valeri Vinogradov: Graphology 2011

Tiina Tammetalu: Exodus I-III (Part of a series)

Katrin Pere: Pain Treatment II. Stroke Me
- needles in formation on a fabric

Erki Kasemets: Lights
- made of many cigarette packages