15 February 2011

Flyt: Ingvild Kjær Tofte

Ingvild Kjær Tofte
Tou Vindu, Tou Scene

Flyt: Ingvild Kjær Tofte

There has been many different exhibitions in the window gallery at Tou Scene. Some have used the room or the wall as in an ordinary exhibition hall, some have used the window. But common for most artworks here have been that they are best viewed from the inside, even if some have been great from the outside as well. This exhibition use both the window and the wall, creating a three-dimensional artwork that is best viewed from the outside. With a simple, but effective approach, an underwater scenery is created by water pattern painted on the walls and silhouettes of water plants on the window.

Even if the installation has depth, it is static, unlike the ever moving sea. I felt the urge to install a moving fan to make the water plant silhouettes move, like in a current. Anyway, this is a great new way of perceiving the gallery, and I hope for more revolutionary ideas like this.

Flyt: Ingvild Kjær Tofte

Exhibition webpage