Monumental art
Gdansk 2016 European Culture Capital candidate
Suburb murals
As part of the program of promoting Gdansk as a candidate for European Culture Capital 2016, massive walls in the suburbs have been painted with impressive murals. This festival took place in 2009 and 2010 and before. Many of the artists are locals.
Krzysztof Wróblewski - Westerplatte
Westerplatte is the spot where the first shots were fired from the German fleet, thus starting WWII
The Pope and Lech Walesa
The most famous Polish people
Lech Walesa
Another portrait of the former Solidarity leader and Polish president
Justyna Dziechciarska - Dywizjon 303
A memorial mural to the 303 division of WWII, situated in 303 division street
Jacek Wilebski
More about the context and background of the mural on Ozmo's flickrpage:
photo by Ozmo
Jacopo Ceccarelli - 2501
Ryszard Niedzielski
The highlight of the murals, this massive piece by M-City
Detail by M-City
- and just for the curiosity of it, this is the 9th longest building in Europe. "The wavy building" was built in the 60-70s, being 850m long and 11 stories high, home for about 6000 inhabitants.
More about Monumental Art here