28 September 2014

Streetart in Tartu

Various artists
Found during summer 2014
In the streets of Tartu

Tartu is the Estonian capital of streetart. Both due to looser policy against streetart compared to Tallinn, and due to the streetartfestival Stencibility. The festival grows larger and larger every year, both promoting the Estonian artists and inviting artists from abroad. The highlight of 2014 was the great mural of MTO with a portrait of the woman in the shop inside the building. This is even used by the city of Tartu in promotions in the streets of the capital, to show how visually pleasing Tartu is.

On their blog you also find a splendid map marking quite a substantial amount of art in the streets. Also the works that are no longer. Here is what I found myself this summer. It pleases me to know there is so much more, that is always a reason for going back to this nice city.

Stencibility festival sticker
Stencibility festival

Mrs. Reet by MTO
Mrs. Reet by MTO

This mural is also used in promoting Tartu on busstops in Tallinn:
Streetart promoting Tartu in Tallinn


Hallid Härrad

Breathe yourself out
Breathe yourself out



A party member keeps her mouth shut
A party member keeps her mouth shut

Edgar Allen Poe


Stencil beggar
Edward von Lõngus / KZ

Sticker art

Nothing is more important than this sentence
Nothing is more important than this sentence

Work by Edward von Lõngus
Edward von Lõngus

Work by Edward von Lõngus
Edward von Lõngus

Bob Marley

Expelled by Edward von Lõngus
Expelled by Edward von Lõngus

What do you spend your money on?

Mural drawing

The promenade of the famous
The promenade of the famous

You are what you create - I create as much as I manage to think
You are what you create - I create as much as I manage to think



Work by Mina ja Lydia
Mina ja Lydia

Google translate: "Do you have enough free tonight?"
Google translate from Latvian: "Do you have enough free tonight?&quot

What life will you choose

Work by Kairo

Work by Kairo

Work by Kairo

Work by Kairo

Work by Kairo

Work by Kairo

Work by Kairo

Work by Hack

Work by Mina ja Lydia

Powerbox art

Sticker art

Mural by Edward von Lõngus
Edward von Lõngus

Stencil + freestyle art

You are full of power
You are full of power

Stencil art

Streetart in Tartu

Streetart in Tartu

Streetart in Tartu

Streetart in Tartu

Streetart in Tartu

Streetart in Tartu

Streetart in Tartu

Streetart in Tartu

Streetart in Tartu

Streetart in Tartu

Streetart in Tartu