24 May 2014

Else Leirvik: Dans

Else Leirvik
Oljemuseet/Geoparken, Stavanger
Public kinetic sculpture and floating wind power generator

A continuous, environmental sustainable, dance is now taking place in front of the Oil Museum in Stavanger. In the sea a small wind power generator creates power, which is stored and used to keep a sculpture revolving. Else Leirvik created a sculpture of metal frames turning inside each other, continously creating different sculptures each time you blink. No fossile power source is exploited to create the power, and the power disappears as the sculpture moves, leaving only a tiny friction energy in the air. What comes from nothing goes to nothing, or rather, what comes from the wind creates wind. In between is the creation of a movement that is for us to enjoy.

Else Leirvik: Dans

Else Leirvik: Dans

Else Leirvik: Dans