13 May 2013

Sverre Wyller: Miramichi

Sverre Wyller
Galleri Opdahl, Stavanger
Metal construction parts modified into sculptures

Exhibition view

What some consider to be garbage, others consider to be art. Design is inherent in industrial processes and industrial buldings, for some aestethic forms are important, for others the functionality is the major goal. Any way there are no coincidences to how building material or industrial products look. But we seldom consider a metal pipe or an iron junction to be art. When the product is scrapped or the building demolished, all that is left is garbage, or at best material for recycling.

Sverre Wyller: Miramichi

Sverre Wyller has the ability to see both the inherent and the potential beauty of scrap metal. Using leftovers from an abandoned industry building he creates wonderful sculptures. The metal parts are cut, bended, squeezed, or just left as they are, with paint flaking off or repainted. The results are beautiful sculptures with their history from their former life combined with the future of new appearance and new settings. 

Sverre Wyller: Miramichi

The sculptures makes me wonder what the original looked like, it puzzles me trying to figure out how it was changed during the demolition processes and during the artist processes, and makes me happy to view the result of the rebirth. I will be looking differently at garbage containers and abandoned industrial buildings after this.

Sverre Wyller: Miramichi