21 May 2013


PARADOKS. Posisjoner innen norsk videokunst
Museet for samtidskunst, Oslo
Norwegian video art retrospective

The museum of contemporary art in Oslo presents a wide range of video works of Norwegian artists from 1980 to 2010. The videos are shown in corridors, small and large rooms in the maze of the second floor of the museum. Here are some treats, some surprises, some old-style, some timeless videos. All in all by 24 artists, some with multiple works.

Elisabeth Mathisen
Elisabeth Mathisen

Ole Jørgen Ness: Opus Osiris
Ole Jørgen Ness: Opus Osiris

Narve Hovdenakk: Sorry, Unnskyld jeg beklager
Narve Hovdenakk: Sorry, Unnskyld jeg beklager

A.K. Dolven: THE doors
A.K. Dolven: THE doors

Per Maning
Per Maning