26 May 2013

Arne Malmedal: New paintings

New paintings
Arne Malmedal
Galleri Riis, Oslo
Monochromes and abstract paintings

Arne Malmedal's monochromes are simultaneously at Kunstnerforbundet and Galleri Riis these days. What is there to say about monochromes? I might think about watching paint dry, but this is already dry. I end up looking for something in there, maybe a flaw, maybe some uneven layers. I am not able to settle with a plain, featureless surface of paint of one colour.

Arne Malmedal: New paintings

To break the tension is an abstract painting, or maybe it is a painting of some mechanical detail. It feels like a relief. Here is something to study and consider.  

Arne Malmedal: New paintings