21 February 2015

Article Biennal 2015

Article Biennal
Stavanger kunstmuseum
Unstable and experimental art biennal

This year the unstable and experimental art of Article biennal has got a quite stable venue, in Stavanger Art Museum. But instead of displaying the past, what a museum usually does, it shows the future. Or rather a possible future.

What happens when science becomes art? Or even when science is no more science but solely art?Can it go the other way too, may art suddenly become science, and is it still art then?

Next Nature: Nano Supermarket
Next Nature: Nano Supermarket

In a possible future, nano technology may determine the taste of the wine, the sex of your children, may be used to send smell digitally and make synthetic food. Probably. Or maybe.

Heather Dewey-Hagborg: Stranger Visions
Heather Dewey-Hagborg: Stranger Visions

Based on found material like hair and cigarette butts, the artist identify some DNA aspects, and creates 3D prints of possible looks of the owner of the DNA. Still so many factors are left out that we may never know if she ever came close. In that case she has created faces that never existed, which is even more creepy.

Paul Vanouse: Latent Figure Protocol
Paul Vanouse: Latent Figure Protocol

In the future we may be able to tweak the DNA to form the artworks we want, like Paul Vanouse did in these workshops creating the infinity symbol.

Paul Vanouse: Suspect Inversion Centre
Paul Vanouse: Suspect Inversion Centre

In the future we may also be able to design our own DNA, or at least design what it looks like. You may like yours to look like O.J.Simpson's like in this experiment. (Who would really want that?)

Kate Nichols: Figments + Visible Signs of Indeterminate Meaning 1 + Labe Notebook 2008-2014
Kate Nichols: Figments + Visible Signs of Indeterminate Meaning 1 + Lab Notebook 2008-2014        
And the future may bring new technology and material for artworks, as in these silver nanoparticles on glass.