23 April 2013


Rogaland Kunstsenter, Stavanger
Crossover art/fashion exhibition

An exhibition in two phases, part of a larger scheme of exhibiting artist collectives. HAiK is a collaboration of fashion designers, artists and more. The first phase was gathering information about the local habits. What was important was whether we recycle or repair our clothes, or just throw them away and buy new.

HAiK (hitchhike) is a group of people hitchhiking with others in their art projects. Like with a real hitchhike you never know who you will join, where you will get, when you will get there and what you will experience on the way.

Marianne Hurum: Møbler for HAiK

The interviews took place on these aestethical but rather uncomfortable sculptures. In addition there were depth interviews with chosen people.

The second phase shows the results of the first phase:

Clothing repaired by the chosen informants are on display, together with a photo and the story.

Sculpture by Anders Smebye, probably inspired by the first phase

The latest fashion, clothing inspired by the interviews, the "repairments" are made visible like decorative elements.

Several works by Ruben Steinum, probably inspired by the first phase.
Some works include clothing by the designers.

 Ana Danell: S for Skulptur