There is almost a year between each Nuart festival, when the streets are freshed up with international level urban art. Sometimes art pops up in town, outside, but maybe inspired by the festival. I hope what I just found are the first artworks of many to appear this autumn.
If you are creative, you might even find joy in an overpainted wall. Somehow the grey paint ran out for these guys, and soon afterwards a graffiti crew called "Ellipse Klinikken" was there to leave their mark.
This butterfly will hopefully survive the winter. It enjoys the company of last year's Nuart visitor Dan Witz' eyeballs, and the mark of the by far most productive writer in town at the moment, RBL/Rebel
This beautiful lady will have hard times during the winter rain, but she is so lovable while she is there.
Bergen based artist Habitus visited Stavanger and left these wonderful gifts for us. The realistic spraycans are actually made of porcelain. See if you can find more of them!